Amanda Bravery Head of ICT, ICTU

Amanda Bravery is the Head of ICT, ICTU in the School of Public Health within the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College.

A graduate in Mathematics for Management from University of Brighton and MSc modules in Clinical Data Management from Kingston University, Amanda has over 20 years’ experience of the Clinical trials process.  She has worked in Clinical Data Management in both the Pharmaceutical industry and for a CRO before joining Imperial College in 2011.

At ICTU, she leads the multi-disciplinary team of Testers, Developers and Production Support staff who work collaboratively with Investigators, Trial Managers and Trial Teams to design the structure of the trial using InForm, in line with the study protocol and regulatory standards.  The Inform team aims to provide Investigators and Clinical Trial Teams across Imperial College with a comprehensive service to support the collection, management and analysis of data from clinical trials.

For further information regarding our services and how we can collaborate, please contact our team
