Dr Leila Janani Statistician, Research Fellow

Leila Janani is a research fellow and clinical trial statistician at Imperial Clinical Trials Unit (ICTU). Within ICTU she is a member of the Trials Methodology team (StatsCI) and Clinical Trial Statistics group.

She completed a BSc in Statistics from Tabriz University, Iran followed by a MSc and Ph.D. in Biostatistics from Tehran University of Medical Sciences which is the highest-ranked medical university in Iran. She also attended an MBA certificate program which was held by the Sharif University of Technology. She has over 10 years of experience in teaching, designing, developing protocols, conducting, monitoring, analysing, and reporting clinical trial studies.

She joined the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit (ICTU) as a research fellow in January, 2021. She is currently working on the TREAT trial – Treating severe paediatric asthma and statistical research and trial design in critical care. Her research interest are in statistical methods to improve the design, analysis, and reporting of randomised clinical trials.

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